Interview Series: Issue 2
Economic development in Africa and South East Asia
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May 2021
Dr Caroline Brassard, Adjunct Assistant Professor of economic development at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore (NUS), shares with us her experience in Africa as well as the opportunities that novel research methods, such as data analysis, offer us within this field in Southeast Asia.
About Dr Caroline Brassard
Dr Caroline Brassard is a French-Canadian Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore (NUS). She has worked in Madagascar for UNICEF and subsequently in Bangladesh for CARE before undertaking a PhD. on economic development. She then moved to Hanoi to study poverty and inequality in Vietnam and obtained a position at NUS in 2002, where she now teaches research methods and empirical analysis for decision making in public policy.
The Interview
What was it that led Dr Caroline to devote herself to the field of economic development in developing countries? What are possible opportunities for development in Southeast Asia? What is her experience regarding France-Africa relations?
To find out, download the full interview.
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Special thanks: NUS Adjunct Professor Dr Caroline Brassard Assistant Director of the Centre of Language Studies at the National University of Singapore Dr Daniel Chan