Nov 13 2024
On 13 November 2024, the leadership and members of the Africa South East Asia Chamber of Commerce (ASEACC) convened in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania for its Annual Meeting. This year, the Africa Finance Corporation also joined as a new member. This annual meeting was also followed by a Networking Session and Dinner hosted by PIL Tanzania and graced by the Minister of Trade & Industry of Tanzania, Hon. Dr. Selemani Jafo.
Aug 28, 2023
On 28 August 2023, the leadership and members of the Africa South East Asia Chamber of Commerce (ASEACC) convened at Singapore, for its Annual Meeting. This rendition of annual meeting consisted of Gala Dinner and Networking Cocktail. It also coincided with the 7th Africa Singapore Business Forum which ASEACC members actively participated in.

Aug 27, 2018
On 27 August 2018, the leadership and members of the Africa South East Asia Chamber of Commerce (ASEACC) convened at Singapore. It was held in tandem with the Future China Global Forum & Singapore Regional Business Forum, as well as the 5th Africa Singapore Business Forum.
Oct 9, 2017
On 9 October 2017, the leadership and members of the Africa South East Asia Chamber of Commerce (ASEACC) convened at Abidjan, for its Annual Meeting. The African Office of ASEACC was launched, and thereafter members paid the Ivorian Prime Minister to strengthen collaborations among nations.
Aug 22, 2016
On 22 August 2016, the leadership and members of the Africa South East Asia Chamber of Commerce (ASEACC) convened at Shanghai, for its Annual General Meeting (AGM). Mr. S.S. Teo, Managing Director of PIL Group, emphasised the importance of holding the Annual Meeting in Shanghai under the context of the On-Belt-One-Road Initiative.
Nov 23, 2015
On 23 November 2015, the leadership and members of the Africa Southeast Asia Chamber of Commerce (ASEACC) convened in Dar es Salaam, for its Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Aug 26, 2014
On 26 August 2014, the leadership and members of the Africa Southeast Asia Chamber of Commerce (ASEACC) convened in Singapore, for its first Annual General Meeting (AGM) since its official launch. Members also conducted a business trip to Kuala Lumpur, as well as a courtesy call with Singapore's Senior Minister of State Lee Yi Shyan.